
Aging in Place

Seniors citizens who choose to live alone may feel more vulnerable than they did in their younger years – especially if they need assistance to live independently. Research indicates that more than one-quarter of older Americans live alone as of 2018, which can pose certain risks. Additionally, research suggests that feeling safe and secure is linked to healthy aging. Home security systems can help to increase safety for seniors, both real and perceived. Technology can also provide peace of mind for families.

This guide explains how home security systems work, details different types of systems and reviews several popular providers.

Home Security Guide for Aging in Place

CSOC Fundraising

The organization of The County Sheriffs of Colorado recently mailed out a fund-raising request with my signature at the bottom of the letter. This is a legitimate appeal for funds. Every other year, Phillips County rewards an educational scholarship financed by the funds raised by The County Sheriffs of Colorado. Please consider donating.
Thank you, Sheriff Michael Beard.

Red Flag Bill

The State legislature is debating a bill known as the Red Flag Bill. In a nut shell, if passed, this bill would require the Sheriff to collect firearms from citizens who have been accused of mental illness, however it would not require the accused to receive mental health treatment. In addition, this bill does not protect the Sheriff from civil liability for unlawfully violating the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

During my campaign, I stated that I would uphold the Constitution of the United States, therefore I will not support the Red Flag Bill. Further, I have asked the Phillips County Commissioners to pass a resolution declaring this County a 2nd Amendment supportive County. The State of Colorado continues to assault constitutional rights of citizens but refuses to address the issue of mental illness.

I am fully aware that if this becomes law I may be ordered by a District Court Judge to collect weapons from citizens. I will not. I may be held in contempt of court, but I will not willingly violate the Constitution of the United States and the citizens of Phillips County.