Resolutions and Ordinances

2012 Ordinances

2012-0228-001 - Authorizing Primary Election by Mail Ballot
2012-0320-001 - Conditional Ban of Open Fires
2012-0531-001 - CDOT Enhancement
2012-001 - Phillips County Marijuana
2012- Drivers License Fee

2013 Resolutions

01-31-2013-01 - Use of Tobacco Products
51st State Ballot Questions

2014 Resolutions

Phillips County Dog Control
    Dog Control Resolution Boundaries

2015 Resolutions

Agriculture Conflict Dispute Resolution Process
Right To Farm

2016 Resolutions

2016-09-19-01 - Supporting Amendment 71 "Raise the Bar"
2016-09-19-002 - Opposing Amendment 69 "ColoradoCare"

2017 Resolutions

03-31-17-01 - Need for Statewide Transportation Funding Increase
05-31-17-01 - Upgrade to Communications Center Console
11-20-17-01 - Appointing the Phillips County Sheriff
12-11-17-01 - Resolution to Set Mill Levies
12-11-17-02 - Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money
12-19-17-01 - Resolution to Adopt Budget
12-19-17-02 - Resolution to Set 3% Reserve

2018 Resolutions

2018--08-29-01 - DA Term Limits

2019 Resolutions

2019-03-19-01 - Reserves the right to declare Phillips County a sanctuary county, re: HB-1177
05-31-2019-02 - Designating an Emergency Response Authority

2020 Resolutions

2020-03-20-04 Declaration of Local Disaster Emergency
2020-03-20-04.1 Declaration of Local Disaster Emergency - Amended
2020-5-19-05 Opposition to suspending Seniors Citizens' & Disabled Veterans' Real Property Tax Homestead Exemption
2020-6-15-06 Declaration of Local Disaster Emergency Wind Event - RESCINDED 01.19.2021
2020-08-21-07 Resolution Opposing the National Popular Vote
2020-11-19-08 Moratorium on Permits related to new Livestock Facilities
2020-12-08-01 Resolution to Set Mill Levies
2020-12-08-02 Resolution to Adopt Budget
2020-12-08-03 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money
2020-12-08-04 Resolution to Set 3% Reserve


2021 Resolutions

2021-01 Resolution to Authorize Signers
2021-02 Resolution to create Office of County Administrator - RESCINDED 01.28.2021
2021-03 Resolution to create Office of County Budget Officer
2021-04 Resolution to create Office of County Attorney
2021-05 Resolution to create the days and hours for County offices to be open
2021-06 Resolution for Supplemental Budget
2021-07 Resolution to create Office of County Administrator
2021-07 Resolution Exhibit "A"
2021-08 Resolution Supporting Cattlemen
2021-09 Resolution Opposing Ballot Initiative 16
2021-10 Resolution to Regulate Domestic Sludge
2021-11 Resolution to Rescind Declaration of Local Disaster Emergency
2021-12 Resolution for Agreement between Phillips County and Colorado Dept. of Transportation
2021-13 Resolution for Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
2021-14 Resolution Concerning Rural Districting
2021-15 Resolution Opposing Exec. Order 14008, Sec 216 30X30 Program
2021-16 Resolution for moratorium on wind farm applications
2021-17 Resolution to Adopt Budget
2021-18 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money
2021-19 Resolution to Set Mill Levies

2022 Resolutions

01-10-2022-01 Organize county operations, establish holidays and board appointments
01-10-2022-02 Affirming employees and special appointments
01-10-2022-03 Set salaries and wages
01-10-2022-04 Designate office hours
01-10-2022-05 Authorize signers
01-10-2022-06 Authorize treasurer to deposit and invest funds
01-10-2022-07 BOCC appointments to local and regional boards
01-10-2022-08 Provide health and life insurance
01-10-2022-09 Approve county fees and charges
04-19-2022-01 Resolution for moratorium on solar farm applications
2022-09-19-01 Resolution declining participation in Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Act
2022-10-18-01 Resolution to authorize participation in Rural Jump-Start Program
2022-10-31-01 Resolution declining participation of the District Attorney's office in FAMLI
2022-11-18-01 Resolution adopting regulations governing wind generation facilities
2022-12-09-01 Resolution to Adopt Budget
2022-12-09-02 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money
2022-12-09-03 Resolution to Set Mill Levies
2022-12-19-01 Resolution to Adopt Policy & Procedures for Secure Transportation Services 

2023 Resolutions

2023-01-09-01 Organize county operations, establish holidays and board appointments
2023-01-09-02 Affirming employees and special appointments
2023-01-09-03 Set salaries and wages
2023-01-09-04 Designate office hours
2023-01-09-05 Authorize signers
2023-01-09-06 Authorize treasurer to deposit and invest funds
2023-01-09-07 BOCC appointments to local and regional boards
2023-01-09-08 Provide health and life insurance
2023-01-09-09 Approve county fees and charges
2023-02-28-23-01 Appointing the Phillips County Sheriff
2023-04-18-01 Appoint Holyoke Fire Protection District board members
2023-05-09-01 Approve Secure Transportation Services license for Centennial Mental Health
2023-05-19-01 In Support of Advance Colorado and its commencement of litigation concerning Senate Bill 23-303 and Proposition HH
2023-06-30-01 Adopting Phillips County Land Use Code
2023-06-30-01 Exhibit "A"
2023-06-30-02 Approving Land Use Code Fee Schedule
2023-06-30-03 Adopting Junk and Weed Control Resolution 
2023-06-30-03 Exhibit "A"
2023-07-18-01 Adopting Phillips County Investment Policy
2023-07-18-01 Exhibit "A"
2023-07-31-01 Adopt Authorized Investment Institutions
2023-08-09-01 Adopt Excessive Force Policy
2023-09-19-23-01 Opposition to Proposition HH
2023-09-28-23-01 Establishing the Boundaries of Commissioner Districts of Phillips County
2023-10-31-01 Intent to Commit to Support Prop 123 Regarding Affordable Housing
2023-12-15-01 Resolution to Adopt Budget
2023-12-15-02 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money
2023-12-15-03 Resolution to Set Mill Levies

2024 Resolutions

2024-01-09-01 Organize county operations, establish holidays and board appointments
2024-01-09-02 Affirming employees and special appointments
2024-01-09-03 Set salaries and wages
2024-01-09-04 Designate office hours
2024-01-09-05 Authorize signers
2024-01-09-06 Authorize treasurer to deposit and invest funds
2024-01-09-07 BOCC appointments to local and regional boards
2024-01-09-08 Provide health and life insurance
2024-01-09-09 Approve county fees and charges
2024-01-19-01 Supporting RAISE Application
2024-01-31-01 Adopting 2023 Supplemental Budget
2024-03-18-01 Opposing Illegal Immigration
2024-06-18-01 Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services
2024-06-18-01 Exhibit A 
2024-06-18-02 Establishing a Wind Farm Moratorium
2024-08-30-01 Revoking Appointment of Veterans Service Officer
2024-06-18-02 Extending a Wind Farm Moratorium
2024-09-19-01 Revising the Phillips County Communications Board
2024-10-09-01 Opposing Colorado Ballot Initiative 91
2024-10-31-01 Appointing Veterans Service Officer

2025 Resolutions

2025-01-10-01 Organize county operations, establish holidays and board appointments
2025-01-10-02 Affirming employees and special appointments
2025-01-10-03 Set salaries and wages
2025-01-10-04 Designate office hours
2025-01-10-05 Authorize signers
2025-01-10-06 Authorize treasurer to deposit and invest funds
2025-01-10-07 BOCC appointments to local and regional boards
2025-01-10-08 Provide health and life insurance
2025-01-10-09 Approve county fees and charges
2024-06-18-02 Extending a Wind Farm Moratorium