Tax Lien Sale

An annual Tax Lien Sale is held to collect the unpaid taxes. These taxes are purchased by investors who, in turn, earn interest on the tax liens against these properties.
The interest amount (paid on the tax lien but not on the premium) is determined on September 1 each year and is nine percent above the federal discount rate (rounded up).

The amount of the individual tax lien(s) purchased includes the amount of tax, delinquent interest (through November) plus advertising, and certificate fees. Generally a successful bidder pays a premium price above the tax liens that are sold in order to purchase a tax lien certificate.

The 2024 Phillips County Tax Lien Sale will be Tuesday, November 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. We will be holding the auction online, and it will be hosted by GovEase. For more information on the sale, click on "Phillips County 2023" below. To bid, please complete the documents in the link "Tax Lien Sale Documents."

Phillips County 2023

Tax Lien Sale Documents

2023 Delinquent Tax Lien List

Tax Lien Sale Info 2024